ट्रांजिट में भारत – कोविड 2020

We hope you are well in these unfortunate and demanding times. We want to tell you a story today as prevalent as any in our times. The story of migrant laborers. The people who move from an unknown village to Mumbai. These are the people who make Mumbai what it is- the city of dreams, the city which belongs to no one and everyone.

It was these very migrants whose dreams and livelihood were crushed in this COVID-19 pandemic. These people have been crossing states and cities on foot and buses just to get back to their homes safely, in states like UP, Bihar, Jharkhand and MP. And it’s for these migrants that we sisters, with the help of our family, collaborated with the state government by making our property a transit center near Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

More than 15,000 migrants transit from our center every day. We have been doing our best to help them in little ways of food, water, footwear and masks from our own pockets. We thought that our bit would be enough. But as we descend into the 4th lockdown, the numbers are increasing everyday and sadly, our effort isn’t enough

The numbers are far greater than we expected. As of today, 19th May, more than 20,000 migrants were in transit within 10 hours. And it is here that we ask for your help and support. We ask for a small contribution from your side to our fundraiser to provide food, water and necessities to these people. Even a contribution as small as Rs 100. can provide basic food to 10 people- kids, mothers and entire families.

These laborers have promised the government they would return as soon as it’s safe. And we want to make sure they are safe and healthy enough to indeed come back and revive Mumbai again. Today, I saw a pregnant woman fight for food rations and losing with hopeless eyes. It broke my heart. And that is when I realised that even helping her, one of countless others, was worth it. We would appreciate your contribution from the bottom of our hearts. Help us make a difference in the lives of the most underprivileged and those who lost so much.

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